[affrontements] Témoignage de Bishkek (Kirghizstan)

Nous étions partis en Bishkek en 2008 pour enquêter sur les déchets nucléaires soviétiques. Aujourd’hui, des affrontements sanglants ont eu lieu. Nous avions rencontré de nombreuses personnes, notamment M*** qui nous envoie ce email cet après midi.

thank you, i’m with my wife at home in bishkek,

internet is working bad, situation is hard, arround 50 person are dead
on main squaer alatoo.

local tv station now is captured by opposition, there are facts of
grabbing shops and offises. administration of issikul region, naryn,
talas and some others lose their control and fully gave responsability
too opposition.

conclusion: hope everything will finish soon without more victims. all
this troulbe rase up because of Bakievs(president) familie’s clan

i;;ll try to keep in touch\M***

MAJ – 18h Paris time.

troulble started yesterday in talas region, where oposition and people
took regional administration. after that in naryn region was same
sitiuation. than tokmok city, toktogul village and other regional
administration became under control of opposition.

today at this time all oppozitioners which was repressed by Bakiev’s
rejim are on freedom. now they are created temporary administration to
control situation in country and bishkek.

grabbing of city is in continiu.

as i told you arround 50 person are dead and more then 100 person are
injured. now medical asking for sitisens to give blood for victims.

where is president his family and prime minister, nobody knows…

local National TV center is destroyed, and they are relaying from
reserve station. tv stations also under control of opposition.

people raised up because of dishonest ruling of president, increasing
of taxes, price for petrol, communal service and electricity, raised
facts of corruption and impunity.

also, opposition repressing and killing some useless(for president) persons

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